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This is a collection of events highlighting yoga, labyrinth walks and mindful workshops. I invite you to check back for new events and subscribe to my e-newsletter for more.

Yoga Nidra Meditation

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From time to time, I offer the experience of Yoga Nidra in studio or on zoom.  Please join my email list to hear about upcoming sessions. ​

Yoga Nidra is a practice of guided meditation, most easily experienced lying down on your yoga mat, a soft rug, or a nest of blankets or other comfortable furniture.

Through the guided practice, you will feel a deep sense of peace and perhaps, new insights as you release into relaxation.

Peggy Burt received her Yoga Nidra Certification with Tracee Stanley, author of Radian Rest: Yoga Nidra for Deep Relaxation & Awakened Clarity.

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©2021 by Peggy Burt

Based in the Los Angeles area,

serving all of California.

Website designed by Shannon D. Burt

Photography by Eric A. Burt,

Gerry Puhara, and Shawna Yetka

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